My Tea Break

Rediscovering Tea around the world


Morning Lemon Infusion

I’ve always heard many people saying they drink a lemon infusion (with real lemon) first thing in the morning. A friend of mine recently did a 3-day detox and the first rule is to start each day with a glass of warm water and a slice/wedge of lemon.

Source: via Sumia on Pinterest

I tried doing it this morning and it is tasty and refreshing but wanted to know the health benefits.

Due to its very low sugar content and high alkaline mineral content, the lemon raises the alkalising effect of the water and release enzymes that help to kick start the metabolism. One would think that lemon is acidic but once digested it has an alkalising effect in the body .

Main benefits:

    • Cleanses and stimulates the liver and kidneys that releases toxins
    • Contains calcium, magnesium and potassium
    • Helps treating infections
    • Provides vitamin C and can relief cold and flu symptoms
    • Can relieve asthma
    • Cleans your skin
    • Prepares your body for digestion

By starting our day with lemon water we are literally revitalising our body and digestive system to clean out toxins and kickstart our day in an energised and refreshed way.

If you are worried about the effect of citrus on your tooth you can drink your lemon water through a straw.

Happy Tea Break.
